it’s back and i am swept up all over again
i don’t know where the exit door is but i need to find it
the current is too strong and i don’t know where to hold on
maybe i am just choosing to drown in the shallow waters
there’s nothing to be afraid of and i am choosing to drown
because it is familiar
welcomed back into the arms of this sick family
and it hurts so fucking much
but i just let it wash over me
the destructive escapism keeps
the floodwater going without stopping
it’s not my problem but it is my problem
i will just let it go until i am almost drowning
passivity is the most dangerous addiction
i am so good at ignoring at avoiding at escaping
i’ll walk straight into a landmine because my head’s in the clouds
help me please because they are scratching their way into my walls
i don’t know how to stop them they are going to find their way in
i am too good at avoiding the things that make me feel good because i am always trying to be good